Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Easy Ukulele Songs | Four Chord Song | Heart and Soul

Liking this one. Only four chords, and a familiar chord progression. Fun to play on the Cordoba UP100, too!

Cordoba Concert Ukulele UP100: https://amzn.to/3it4KK

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Easy Ukulele Songs | Fly Me to the Moon Anyone?

 This was a fun one to try with the Cordoba Ukulele!

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Easy Ukulele Songs | Mixing It Up On a Rainy Day

It's raining, so yours truly is indoors. That said, time for some easy ukulele songs by mixing up a tune we heard while watching the Fabulous Baker Boys and Michelle Pfieffer singing "Ten Cents a Dance". Moved the chords a little in keeping with  the Channel's motto "keeping it simple, making it fun"... do check it out, have a slow and fast version just to have more fun with ukulele's best feature... It's FUN!

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Easy Ukulele | Heartaches by the Number Anyone?

 Easy ukulele version of Heartaches by the Number! Keeping it simple, making it fun!

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Ukulele Time on a TBT | Lost Control...?

Having fun on the Throw Back Thursday with a little 8% Seltzer, an Ukulele, and a song - "Heart and Soul" anyone?